Buck the American Dream and change the world one decision at a time.


Monday, September 9, 2013

Revolting Project 0: Mo' money, Moped

It occurs to me that our very first "Buck the American Dream" project was purchasing a moped. It's a beauty, too. It gets about 85 miles/gallon, the insurance is like $100 a year, and the registration is next to nothing.

Hubby and I can ride it together, so our excursions are on the moped. So far the thing is saving us around $50/week on gas or more.  I'll have the numbers next month. That, by the way, is including the insurance cost and the cost for the registration. The gas savings pay for the whole thing in less than 4 months. And because we live in Colorado, where the skies are clear pretty much all the time, the precipitation is not much to worry about, meaning we can use the moped all year round.

Of course, our next one will have to be electric :-) and I'll rig up solar panels for it to re-charge during the day.

Do you have any super-energy-efficient tools/toys? Tell me about them!

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